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American Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis

American arborvitae, also called northern white-cedar and swamp cedar, is a long-lived tree typically found in swamps, cliffs, and other unique habitats. It is an important ornamental species, often used in hedges and borders. Deer, birds and other wildlife find shelter from severe winter weather amongst northern white-cedar stands. Its wood is exceptional for its light weight and resistance to rot. This tree is highly aromatic and has been used to make tea and essential oil. Northern white-cedar trees have been found that are more than 1,600 years old.

Its namesake natural community, the “Northern white-cedar swamp” is considered an Imperiled natural community in New York State, and at high risk of being wiped out in the future. This is due to excessive deer browse, habitat loss, and development. Northern white-cedar swamps are prized for having rich plant communities including many rare species of orchid. Additionally, they provide excellent habitat for rare birds. 

Plant Information

  • Stock Size: 18-24" (2-0/3-0)
  • Uses: Timber, Edible, Wildlife Habitat, Wildlife Food, Erosion Control
  • FACW - Usually occurs in wetlands but not always
  • Native
  • Northern_Whitecedar_Plant_Guide.pdf
Regular price $19.50
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askalotl, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons (Dieter Schlack), CC BY-SA 3.0 DE, via Wikimedia Commons
Ymblanter, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons